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Galaxy Z Fold 6

Grip Case

Customize your Grip
Area 51 (Classified)

Enhance your Grip


Some companies treat consumer exploitation like a business model. Others stash their profits in offshore tax havens. The truly evil megacorps maintain their control over society using the invisible hand of commerce. In addition to these achievements, we engineered a perfect phone case. You should buy it.


Pick your design



Hinge Protection

Watch your back.

Whether you like it or not, your phone has six sides. Most Galaxy Z Fold 6 cases? They cover five. That's a 16.666% chance that your next drop will be your last. If you want to achieve your first 0% since failing high school math, you'll need a case with hinge protection.

Clicky Buttons

Welcome to your new addiction.

Samsung spent a tremendous sum of money making the click on your Galaxy Z Fold 6 buttons feel immaculate. We spent far less, yet somehow managed to make them feel even better. Impossible, you say? Our button scientists disagree.


The most precise fit on earth.™

What do you get when a masonic megacorp, renowned for their robotic precision, designs a phone case? You're looking at it. If we told you the Grip fits like a glove, we'd be giving gloves too much credit.

Drop Protection

Military-grade impact resistance.

Every year, the US Military burns through $700,000,000,000. On what? Nobody knows. For only 0.0000000057% of the annual defense budget, you can do the same. But for your phone.

Checkmate, Eisenhower.


Unlike you.

At just 2mm thin, the Grip Case is roughly twenty times thicker than a human hair. It’s also one three-thousandth as thick as a Giraffe is tall. Much like the mighty giraffe, the Grip Case subsists on a diet made up almost entirely of your smartphone.


The world's grippiest phone case.™

See those microscopic ridges? Each is a textured dot, invisible to the naked eye. There are literally thousands of them spanning the surface of the Grip, creating a tremendous number of grippy contact points for your butterfingers. The result? You’ll never drop your phone again.

Camera Protection

See above.

The Grip lets you put your phone down on a table without thinking about the camera bump. There's no amusing way to communicate this. If you come up with one, email us. We promise to steal it and give you zero credit.

Chamfered Lip

Like a ramp for your thumb.

A chamfered edge along the case's front lip gives you full access to the top and bottom of your screen, for all your gesture navigation needs. As an added bonus, you get to learn what "chamfered" means.

Video Instructions

Video Instructions

Don't screw this up.

We've spent more money than the Fed trying to save humans from themselves. The result? Detailed, award-winning tutorial videos that you can watch right here. Once you're finished, you'll understand why we gave ourselves a fake award.